Belabored Podcast Schedule Change

Belabored Podcast Schedule Change

Dissent would like to inform our beloved podcast listeners that from now on, in order to ensure the best quality production and richer coverage, Belabored will air biweekly rather than weekly. The next episode will air on Friday, May 2, followed by May 16, May 30, and so on. We thank you for your patience as we adapt to the new schedule.

While you wait for next week’s episode, consider digging into the Belabored archives, where you’ll find fifty episodes—a full year’s worth—of labor news and analysis. In honor of Earth Day, listen to episode #8, “Bad Green Jobs and the Long Strike,” and read Michelle Chen’s related pieces this week at the Nation: “Where Have All the Green Jobs Gone?” and “This Is How to Create a Green Economy That Works for All.”

And as always, tweet at @DissentMag with #belabored to keep the conversation going: we welcome your feedback, story ideas, and more.