Belabored Podcast #8: Bad Green Jobs and the Long Strike

Belabored Podcast #8: Bad Green Jobs and the Long Strike

Savannah port truckers organizing; Seattle fast food workers striking; Chicago teachers suing; and a bankruptcy judge’s blow to retired mineworkers. Sarah discusses the new NYC bike share program through a labor lens. Josh talks about the first prolonged strikes by US Walmart employees. And find out how to participate in Belabored’s new explainer!

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On this week’s Belabored, Sarah and Josh round up some of the past week’s labor headlines: Savannah port truckers organizing; Seattle fast food workers striking; Chicago teachers suing; and a bankruptcy judge’s blow to retired mineworkers. Josh asks Sarah about her In These Times feature on the wage theft allegations against the company running New York’s new bike-share initiative. Sarah asks Josh about his reporting for The Nation on Walmart workers’ new strike and caravan to the company shareholder convention. Before closing with the pieces they wish they’d written, they issue a call to Belabored listeners: Tweet at us with ideas for labor concepts or issues you’d like to hear broken down in a new explainer segment on the podcast. Hashtag, as always: #Belabored.


Some links for those following along at home:

Sarah on the Savannah Port Drivers Organizing Committee

Josh on fast food workers striking in Seattle.

Allison Kilkenny on Chicago school closures.

Mike Elk on the Patriot Coal bankruptcy ruling.

Sarah on “Bad Green Jobs

Josh on the first-ever “prolonged strikes” by US Walmart employees


And the “Stories We Wish We’d Written”:

Daniel Denvir, “Who’s Still Killing Philly Schools?”, City Paper

Nicholas Lemann, “How Michelle Rhee Misled Education Reform”, The New Republic