Belabored Podcast #66: Seeing Red on Black Friday

Belabored Podcast #66: Seeing Red on Black Friday

For Black Friday, Belabored talks to a Walmart labor activist and learns about a recent investigation into Walmart’s tax dodging. Plus: Ferguson #NotOneDime boycott, Obama’s executive action on immigration, the port truckers’ strike, and more.

It’s that time of the year again, and Belabored brings you some underreported perspectives from the dark side of zombie-capitalist bonanza known as Black Friday. Walmart workers across the country are going on strike to demand a living wage and fair treatment at work. And many more are organizing, signing petitions, and reaching out to other worker groups, all rallying under the “Fight for 15” banner. We talk to a Walmart labor activist who is fighting for a fair workplace in solidarity with coworkers and other protesters in cities nationwide. And we discuss a recent investigation by Americans for Tax Fairness into Walmart’s tax dodging and shady political dealings on Capitol Hill.

Also this week, the Ferguson protests are inspiring the #NotOneDime Black Friday boycott in response to the non-indictment in the case of Michael Brown; immigration groups are both excited and frustrated about Obama’s latest executive action on deportations; the port truckers’ movement kicks into high gear; fast food workers find solidarity overseas; and justice is finally served, at least a little bit, for a coal industry giant.

Plus some long-weekend reading from Owen Jones on why humanity isn’t totally evil, and David Bensman on why a fair workday is a human right.


Ferguson protesters pledge to skip Black Friday (The Daily Dot)

Ferguson Michael Brown Shooting: ‘Boycott Black Friday’ Aims to Hit America Where it Hurts (International Business Times)

Michelle: What Will Happen to the Immigrants Left Out of Obama’s Executive Actions? (The Nation)

Michelle: Excluded and Exploited (Jacobin)

Port Truck Drivers on Strike! A Dispatch from Two of the Nation’s Largest Ports (Dissent)

Sarah: New Report: Port Trucking Companies Steal More Than $1 Billion in Wages From Drivers (In These Times)

Why Port Truckers Are Striking: 12-Hour Shifts, Noxious Fumes and $12.90 Paychecks (In These Times)

Michelle: Want a Living Wage? Work at McDonald’s… in Denmark (The Nation)

“I Could Krushchev You”: 9 Shocking Allegations From the Don Blankenship Indictment (Mother Jones)

Ex-Massey CEO Don Blankenship indicted for coal mine disaster that killed 29 (Washington Post)


Martha Sellers, Walmart worker

Five Ways to Measure Black Friday Strikes at Wal-Mart (Businessweek)

Frank Clemente, Americans for Tax Fairness

Michelle: $1 Billion: That’s How Much Walmart Avoids Paying in Taxes Each Year Through Loopholes (The Nation)

Sarah: Why the poor can’t catch a break on Thanksgiving (The Week)

Argh! I Wish I’d Written That

Sarah: David Bensman, The Battle Over Working Time: A Countermovement Against Neoliberalism (American Prospect)

Michelle: Owen Jones, Grotesque inequality is not a natural part of being human (Guardian)