Belabored Podcast #40: Philanthrocapitalism, with Joanne Barkan

Belabored Podcast #40: Philanthrocapitalism, with Joanne Barkan

Joanne Barkan has spent years researching and writing about the ideology of billionaire ed reformers. She joins Michelle and Sarah to talk about her work. And in labor news, London’s public transit workers go on strike; Tennessee may yet see a unionized auto plant; NFL cheerleaders rise up against wage theft; and workers rise up against the Trans-Pacific Partnership trade deal.

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The so-called education reform movement is funded by a handful of very wealthy donors who impose their ideological views through massive infusions of cash. Dissent‘s Joanne Barkan has spent years researching and writing about the ideology of the philanthro-ed-reformers, how they are similar to and different from older philanthropists like Ford and Carnegie, and how they’re corrupting democracy. She joins Michelle and Sarah to talk about her work. In labor news this week, London’s public transit workers go on strike; Tennessee may yet see a unionized auto plant; NFL cheerleaders rise up against wage theft; and workers rise up against the Trans-Pacific Partnership trade deal.


Volkswagen Workers in Tennessee to Vote on Union Membership

Tube Strike: London Underground Action Disrupts Commuters

Why We Are Striking, from the Transport Salaried Staffs’ Association

Oakland Raiders Cheerleaders File Suit Alleging Wage Theft

Episode 31: Relief Work

Episode 25: Shutdown

Free Trade and the Loss of US Jobs

Stop Fast Track

Conversation with Joanne Barkan:

Portland Teachers Vote to Strike

Joanne Barkan:  They Shall Overcome

Joanne Barkan: Plutocrats at Work: How Big Philanthropy Undermines Democracy

Joanne Barkan: Who is Victimizing Chicago’s Kids?

Joanne Barkan: Hired Guns on Astroturf: How to Buy and Sell School Reform

More Joanne Barkan at Dissent

Argh, I Wish I’d Written That!:

Sarah: Kathleen Kuehn, Why Are So Many Journalists Willing to Write for Free?

Michelle: Richard Wilkinson and Kate Pickett, How Inequality Hollows Out the Soul