Belabored Podcast #39: The Real State of the Union, with Heather McGhee of Demos

Belabored Podcast #39: The Real State of the Union, with Heather McGhee of Demos

Special guest Heather McGhee of Demos responds to the President’s address with policy solutions that could alleviate income inequality and joblessness. Meanwhile, working people take action against inequality at the grassroots level.

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This week Sarah and Michelle declare that the State of the Union is angry. The workers of Visiting Nurse Services are considering going on strike to defend their healthcare and pensions from cuts. Anti-union legislation that might put Pennsylvania on the road to becoming a right-to-work state met with fierce protests by unions. The Coalition of Immokalee workers has pulled Wal-Mart into its Fair Food program. And New York teachers are rebelling against Common Core Standards, which they say will undermine education quality and serve as a political cudgel for marginalizing teachers. This week’s special guest is Heather McGhee, the new president of Demos. She talks about her take on the President’s address, policy solutions that could alleviate income inequality and joblessness, and how working people are taking action against inequality at the grassroots level.


Visiting Nurses Potential Strike

Here’s Why Florida Farmworkers Are Thrilled About Walmart’s Extra Pennies

Labor Unions pack PA Capitol over paycheck bill

Why support for Common Core is sinking


Demos: Introducing Heather McGhee

Underwriting Bad Jobs

Obama hikes minimum wage for federal contractors: How many will it help?

Underwriting Executive Excess

Michelle: When Federal Contracts Turn Into Corporate Welfare

Full Employment: The Two Words Obama Ought to Say Tonight

The Great Cost Shift

End Employment Credit Checks

Minimum Wage Bills Pushed in at Least 30 States

Fresh Start: The Impact of Public Campaign Financing

Social Mobility for Millennials

Michelle: A Bailout for Jobless Millennials?


Michelle Chen: Cila Warncke: Obama’s Promise Zones will do little to address inequality

Sarah Jaffe: Dave Zirin, The Nation, “Right Now the NCAA is Like a Dictatorship”: Why the Northwestern Football Team Formed a Union

Bonus video: Seattle City Councilmember Kshama Sawant Responds to Obama’s State of the Union Address