Belabored Podcast #20: Who’s Killing Philly Schools?
Belabored Podcast #20: Who’s Killing Philly Schools?
This week, Sarah and Josh discuss recent labor developments, including a big raise for Walmart warehouse workers, and a judge’s reversal in the fight over New York hospital closures. Then they’re joined by City Paper reporter Daniel Denvir, who breaks down the latest in the under-covered crisis in Philadelphia’s public schools.

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On the twentieth episode of Dissent’s Belabored podcast, Sarah and Josh discuss recent labor developments, including some good news for labor: a big raise for Walmart warehouse workers, and a judge’s reversal in the fight over New York hospital closures. Then they turn to a bleaker situation: the escalating showdown over Philadelphia’s school budget. They’re joined by City Paper reporter Daniel Denvir, who breaks down the latest in the under-covered crisis. Who are the culprits for starving city schools? How does Philly compare to Chicago? How effectively are Philly’s education unions partnering with allies and meeting the challenge?
Belabored will be off next week—see you in September!
Links for those following along at home:
Daniel Denvir’s latest, “Amid Schools Crisis, Teachers Union Is Under Fire,” and his May feature, “Who’s Still Killing Philly Schools?”
Sarah on the governors cutting schools and building prisons
Sarah on nurses’ win at LICH, and the New York Times on doctors’ proposal to run the hospital themselves
Michelle Chen on a new report on care workers in New York
David Moberg on a Walmart warehouse win
Josh on fired workers’ Labor Day deadline for Walmart
Pieces we wish we’d written:
Julia Carrie Wong, “What Picketing Taught Me About Feminism,” Salon
Han Tang, “China’s Young Workers Fight Back at Foxconn,” Labor Notes