Belabored Podcast #153: Workers On the Frontline Today and Tomorrow

Belabored Podcast #153: Workers On the Frontline Today and Tomorrow

We check in on worker-led activism across the country, with interviews on UPS and AT&T strikes, behind-the-scenes resistance at Google, and the public banking movement.

AT&T workers on strike in Indiana (CWA Local 4900)

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We take a long view of worker activism on the frontlines of today and the future, with interviews on the UPS workers lining up for a strike, from the picket line of the AT&T strike in the Midwest, behind the uprising by Google workers who drew the line against collusion with the Pentagon, and on the movement to fight Wall Street with a public bank in New York. With recommended reading on one small southern town’s fight to protect migrant families, and the rabble-rousing sex workers rallying in New York for dignity and respect on the job.

If you think our work is worth supporting as we soldier on through Trumplandia, please consider becoming a sustaining member of Belabored or donating or subscribing to Dissent. Help keep us going for the next 153 episodes!


Over 90% of UPS Teamsters Just Voted to Strike (In These Times)

Google Won’t Renew Controversial Pentagon AI Project (Wired)

Rank-and-File Union Members Are Leading Another Massive Strike. This Time It’s AT&T Workers (In These Times)

Movement to Get Public Money Out of Wall Street Comes to Wall Street (Next City)

Argh, I Wish I’d Written That!

Sarah: Miriam Jordan, ICE Came for a Tennessee Town’s Immigrants. The Town Fought Back (New York Times)

Michelle: Emily Witt, After the Closure of Backpage, Increasingly Vulnerable Sex Workers Are Demanding Their Rights (New Yorker)