Belabored Podcast #15: Renegade Retailers and Education Ideologues
Belabored Podcast #15: Renegade Retailers and Education Ideologues
This week in Belabored: Special guest Lee Fang shares his insights into the resurgent right wing. Plus Chicago school closings, NLRB appointments, and strikes by low wage workers.

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In the latest episode of the Belabored podcast, Josh and Sarah are joined by the Nation‘s Lee Fang, investigative reporter and author of The Machine: A Field Guide to the Resurgent Right, for a conversation about the enemy. They discuss the bait-and-switch tactics being used to avoid worker safety accords in Bangladesh, the rise of the online education wing of the corporate education reform movement, and how the whole big-money machine fits together. They also discuss the beginning of hearings over Chicago school closings, the latest at the NLRB, more strikes by low-wage workers, and more.
Links for those following along at home:
Lee on Bangladesh worker safety accord
Lee on Walmart’s ties to weak worker safety protections
Josh and Lee on Walmart’s ties to Obama’s budget chief
Lee on How Online Learning Companies Bought America’s Schools
Pieces We Wish We’d Written: