Belabored Podcast #14: Labor and the Law
Belabored Podcast #14: Labor and the Law
This week in Belabored: a living wage bill, the fight to save a Brooklyn hospital, and legal challenges to payroll debit cards and “independent contracting.” Plus an Explainer segment on employer retaliation.

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The 14th episode of Dissent’s Belabored podcast opens with a round-up of news at the intersection of labor and the law, including a living wage bill, civil disobedience over an allegedly illegal hospital shutdown, a lawsuit over mandatory payroll debit cards, and a federal court challenge to “independent contracting.” Then, in the latest Belabored Explainer segment, Sarah and Josh tell you everything you always wanted to know but were afraid to ask about retaliation: What is it? When’s it illegal? Why does it happen so much anyway, and what’s labor doing about it?
Links for those following along at home:
Sarah on civil disobedience in defense of a SUNY hospital
Sarah on McDonald’s dropping a payroll debit card requirement
Moshe Marvit and Vincent Mersich on Chicago cabbies’ legal campaign to become employees
Dave Jamieson on Walmart’s wage claims and DC’s living wage bill
Josh on rapid-response protests that saved strikers’ jobs at Wendy’s and the Ronald Reagan Building
Josh on alleged Walmart retaliation and Alan Grayson’s bill to toughen remedies
Josh on the sorry state of US labor law
Sarah on fighting retaliation at Dishes
Jake Blumgart on your rights at work (or lack thereof)
Pieces we wish we’d written:
Francesca Borri, “Woman’s Work,” Columbia Journalism Review
Lee Fang, “US Retailers Launch Lobby Blitz to Sell Weak Bangladesh Safety Plan,” The Nation