Belabored Podcast #134: Defending Migrants through Hell and High Water
Belabored Podcast #134: Defending Migrants through Hell and High Water
We talk to DACA recipients and defenders around the country, from Texas to New York, about Trump’s decision to overturn President Obama’s protections for immigrant youth.

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In the wake of a massive hurricane (and with another one looming just off the U.S. mainland) Donald Trump decided that the time was ripe to overturn President Obama’s protections for immigrant youth. The Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program, DACA, required young people to register themselves, pay a fee, and submit to investigation in order to gain a semblance of legal status in the United States and Trump has now decided to take that away.
But the issue of Hurricane Harvey (and Irma, and the next ones) isn’t separate from the issue of immigrants’ rights to stay and work in the United States. As we discuss on today’s show with DACA recipients and with teachers from Texas, these issues are very much intertwined.
We also hear about the British “McStrike” and about Trump’s attempts to make work even more miserable for American workers; and if that’s not enough, we also look into the plot against unions. And to end on a somewhat brighter note, we look at the organizing among tech workers and the campaign that ended gender-segregated job advertisements.
If you think our work is worth supporting as we soldier on through Trumplandia, please consider becoming a sustaining member of Belabored or donating or subscribing to Dissent. Help keep us going for the next 134 episodes!
Justice Department drops appeal to save Obama overtime rule (The Hill)
Trump Blocks Effort to Stop Wage Discrimination in ‘Blatant Attack on Fair Pay for Women and People of Color,’ Women’s Leader Says (National Partnership for Women & Families)
McDonald’s workers to go on strike in Britain for first time (The Guardian)
Bakers, Food and Allied Workers Union
Rightwing alliance plots assault to ‘defund and defang’ America’s unions (The Guardian)
Canada demands U.S. end ‘right to work’ laws as part of NAFTA talks (The Globe and Mail)
Sarah: Dreams Die Hard: Where Do They Go After DACA? (
Michelle: Harvey Strains Texas’s Already Overburdened Schools (The Nation)
Michelle: DACA Was Won By a Vibrant Movement of Immigrant Youth. Now, That Movement Will Rally to Defend It. (In These Times)
Argh, I Wish I’d Written That!
Michelle: Siddharth Patel, Tech Workers: Friends or Foes? (Jacobin)
Sarah: Laura Tanenbaum and Mark Engler, Help Wanted—Female (The New Republic)