Belabored Podcast #123: Marching on Mississippi, with Morris Mock and Danny Glover

Belabored Podcast #123: Marching on Mississippi, with Morris Mock and Danny Glover

Actor and activist Danny Glover and worker Morris Mock talk about the March on Mississippi and the fight for a union at the state’s Nissan plant.

Danny Glover speaking at the March on Mississippi, March 4, 2017

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Last weekend, the long-time union struggle at the Nissan plant in Canton, Mississippi reached a new peak with a march, led by former presidential candidate Bernie Sanders and Hollywood icon and activist Danny Glover. We spoke with Canton plant worker Morris Mock and Glover about the conditions in the plant, the long struggle for union rights in the South, their deep connection to civil rights struggles, and more.

We also check in with Women’s Strikers from around the country and the workers in SeaTac, Washington, and we take a look at the promises and the reality of “Trumpcare.” For “Argh,” we look at a winning labor-environmental campaign in Richmond, CA, and a look back at the entwined history of protest marches and mass strikes. 

If you think our work is worth supporting as we soldier on through Trumplandia, please consider becoming a sustaining member of Belabored or donating or subscribing to Dissent. Please help keep us going for the next 123 episodes!


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