Belabored Podcast #122: Immigrants Strike Back at the White House
Belabored Podcast #122: Immigrants Strike Back at the White House
Following last week’s Day Without Immigrants, organizers share their insights about how to fight Trump at work and in the streets.

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President Trump wants to strike fear into immigrant communities, but with or without papers, immigrants are standing their ground. Following a spate of terrorizing deportation raids across the country, activists rose up and launched a Day without Immigrants—a spontaneous, decentralized wave of strikes and demonstrations, to show both what’s at stake in the fight for immigrant rights under Trump, and to demonstrate the massive economic power that migrant workers wield. We spoke with German Sanchez and Christine Neumann-Ortiz of Voces De La Frontera in Wisconsin, Pablo Alvarado of National Day Laborer Organizing Network (NDLON) in Los Angeles, and Basma Eid of Enlace’s Worker Center Federation in New York after the protests to get their insights about organizing strategies at work and in the streets under Trump.
In other news, we look at the new nominee for Labor Secretary and the role of whistleblowers in federal science agencies, examine the epidemic of gender discrimination and sexual harassment in Big Tech and follow a rising union movement challenging Big Banks. With recommended reading on deportees working tech support and abortion laws imposing forced labor.
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Tech Still Doesn’t Take Discrimination Seriously (Wired)
Reflecting On One Very, Very Strange Year At Uber (Susan J. Fowler)
Trump’s Labor Pick Has a History of Attacking Voting Rights (The Nation)
The Scandal That May Haunt the New Nominee for Labor Secretary (The Atlantic)
‘Draconian’ Trump gag on scientists could affect legislation, experts warn (Guardian)
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Conversation: Day Without Immigrants Protests
German Sanchez, Christine Neumann-Ortiz of Voces de la Frontera
Pablo Alvarado of National Day Laborer Organizing Network (NDLON)
Basma Eid of Enlace’s New York Worker Center Federation
Sarah: Un Dia Sin Inmigrantes (The Baffler)
Tens of Thousands Strike on Day without Immigrants (Labor Notes)
The Fallout From ‘A Day Without Immigrants’ (The Atlantic)
Argh, I Wish I’d Written That!
Michelle: Shayna Medley, Abortion Restrictions as Forced Labor in the Age of Trump (On Labor)
Sarah: Jonathan Blitzer, The Deportees Taking Our Calls (New Yorker)