Belabored Podcast #11: Hardhats and Hippies

Belabored Podcast #11: Hardhats and Hippies

This week on Belabored: a worker takeover of public broadcasting in Greece; the passage of a new law protecting New York child models; McDonald’s forcing debit cards on its employees; and a hunger strike in protest of Philadelphia school cuts and layoffs. With special guest Penny Lewis, author of Hardhats, Hippies, and Hawks.

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This week’s Belabored podcast opens with a rundown of recent good and bad news for labor: a worker takeover of public broadcasting in Greece; the passage of a new law protecting New York child models; McDonald’s forcing debit cards on its employees; and a hunger strike in protest of Philadelphia school cuts and layoffs. Then they interview sociologist Penny Lewis on her new book Hardhats, Hippies, and Hawks: The Vietnam War as Myth and Memory, and how we still misunderstand the relationship between labor, the left, and the working class.

Some links for those following along at home:

Penny Lewis’ book

Ned Resnikoff on the Philly hunger strike

Anna Lekas Miller on the Greece radio takeover

Sarah on McDonalds’s debit cards


The stories we wish we’d written:

Bryce Covert, Think Progress“What Those Mocking Miss Utah Miss About the Gender Wage Gap”

Tim Wu, The New Republic“The Right to Evade Regulation: How Corporations Hijacked the First Amendment”