Announcing Our New Editorial Board Member: Patrick Iber

Announcing Our New Editorial Board Member: Patrick Iber

Please join us in welcoming Patrick Iber, a leading historian of Latin America and the Cold War, to Dissent’s editorial board!

Please join us in welcoming Patrick Iber to Dissent’s editorial board! Patrick has been an active member of the Dissent community since early 2016 and we’re thrilled to be adding him to the masthead. Read all of his articles for Dissent here, and don’t forget to help welcome him on Twitter. —The Editors

Patrick Iber

Patrick Iber is the author of Neither Peace nor Freedom: The Cultural Cold War in Latin America, which was published by Harvard University Press in October 2015 and won the 2017 Luciano Tomassini book prize from the Latin American Studies Association. As of this fall, he is an assistant professor of Latin American history at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. His writing has appeared in The New Republic, The Chronicle of Higher EducationThe AwlJacobin, SlateThe Baffler, and The Nation as well as Dissent, and in Spanish in Letras LibresNexos, and Horizontal.

His research focuses on the politics of culture and intellectuals, global social democracy, poverty and inequality, imperialism, and the added value of transnational approaches to history. He is currently developing a new book project on how social scientists understood and responded to poverty and inequality in twentieth-century Latin America.