Announcing Belabored: A Dissent Podcast Hosted by Josh Eidelson and Sarah Jaffe
Announcing Belabored: A Dissent Podcast Hosted by Josh Eidelson and Sarah Jaffe

We are pleased to announce that in just a few weeks, Dissent will launch our first podcast, Belabored, with hosts Josh Eidelson and Sarah Jaffe. Josh and Sarah are among the finest labor journalists working today. And we hear they have spectacular banter.
Every week, they’ll take listeners behind the scenes of the latest stories in labor journalism. They’ll interview high-profile guests and working people. There will be debates and denouncements. Sarah and Josh have broken major stories in the past year, and on Belabored you’ll hear what didn’t make it into the official accounts.
While mainstream outlets have increasingly replaced the labor beat with “business news,” Josh and Sarah have pursued their journalism on Twitter, television, and the blogosphere. Josh, who worked for five years as a labor organizer, has broken story after story about Walmart and guestworkers in the United States (including in a forthcoming piece in Dissent). Sarah has gone deep on a set of the most important emerging labor issues, writing crucial coverage of Walmart, fast-food worker strikes, newer non-union organizing models, and activist intersections with student debt and the Occupy movement. Her recent Dissent essay, “Trickle-Down Feminism,” shook up the feminist blogosphere and has been widely cited in the debate over the corporate feminism of Sheryl Sandberg’s Lean In.
Josh and Sarah are ready to dig in. They have more stories than they can write, so they’re bringing them to you in audio. And they’re looking for theme music. Any ideas? Tweet them @dissentmag with the hashtag #belabored.
Stay tuned.