Feminists, Puritans, and Statists  

Feminism’s ideological diversity makes fools of those who generalize grandly about the movement, but many critics are undeterred. A foolish view of feminists as a monolithic group of male bashers and prudes was eagerly adopted by impeachment pundits. Confusing feminism …

Feminists, Racketeers, and the First Amendment  

First amendment freedoms are inevitably invoked by provocateurs and dissenters seeking to change or com-plain about the status quo, so it’s not surprising that anti-abortion protesters have discovered free speech. After abortion was legalized and normalized in the early 1970s, …

On the Devaluation of Rights  

Justice William Brennan’s retirement from the Supreme Court was “exciting news” for Beverly LaHaye, president of Concerned Women for America, an organization boasting a God-given mandate to protect American families from feminists and other “liberal humanists.” Chief among Brennan’s sins, …