New Alignments in Latin America  

Latin America is about to enter a new phase of its history that may be more important than either the decade of Castroism or the earlier period when middle-class parties were predominant. The tendency of which I speak is subterranean, …

Labor in Latin America  

There is much talk these days about the Latin American middle class, about students, intellectuals and oligarchs. But, except when there are strikes, little talk about the industrial working class. There are some 15 to 20 million industrial workers in …

Lost Illusions in Guatemala  

Since the end of the second World War Communism has achieved no victory in Latin America as effective as its defeat in Guatemala. The optimistic declarations of diplomats could not help. Nor did legal action undertaken by the Attorney General …

Latin America: Tragedy and Prospect  

Before 1930 a passable history of Latin America might have been written without any reference to its labor movement. Today this would be impossible. Peronist demagogy and its equivalents throughout the continent have inadvertently succeeded in drawing the working class …