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Jargon or Clickbait?  

Once an academic conceit, the term “neoliberalism” has long since gone viral, helping to faciliate a generational shift in popular discourse.

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Pride and Prejudice  

Recent disavowals of Trump may not exculpate his early supporters. But they press the question: what would a real populism look like?

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The Culture Wars Aren’t Over  

You can’t call a truce on social issues in one breath if you’re going to gripe about identity politics in the next—especially when “identity politics” means any discussion about the realities of racism in the United States.

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The Next Democratic Party  

Parties recover from defeat in two ways. They can try to beat the opposition at their own game, or they can try to change the rules of the game. Donald Trump did the latter. Now it’s the Democrats’ turn.

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A Time for Rage  

Trump’s America will be a terrifying place. But fear is paralyzing. Rage, channeled appropriately, provides the beginnings of something better: resistance.

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Booked: Our Fellow American Revolutionaries  

In her new book, Our Sister Republics, Caitlin Fitz exhumes a forgotten moment in the history of the Americas, a time when residents of the newly formed United States came to see Latin Americans as partners in a shared revolutionary experiment.