A Steelworkers’ Local in New England  

Thirty years ago, many of the workers at Sullivan Machine Company—now the Claremont, New Hampshire, Division of Joy Manufacturing—walked to work. They would leave their three-story wooden tenements or one- and two-family homes in their working-class neighborhood—or, as the Wasps …

Breakdown in Newark  

Carmine Casciano, a personable, young junior-high school teacher, acts as my guide to Newark’s “predominantly white” North Ward. He is a district leader and president of the North Ward Young Democrats—immersed in the politics of his time and place. We …

Black Upsurge in the Unions  

Black union activity is on the Increase. Blacks are organizing new locals among hospital workers, municipal employees, and in the retail and service trades. Black caucuses form at union conventions, and there are national black caucuses within the United Auto …

DRUMbeats in Detroit  

Dodge Main, an ungainly collection of four- and six-story, 1920s-genre factory buildings, occupies roughly a square mile of Hamtramck just across the Detroit City line. The front-office windows are wire-meshed against some feared assault, or perhaps just against small boys …

Collective Bargaining Through Education  

Our neighborhood school, P.S. 29, is 75 per cent Negro and Puerto Rican, mostly Puerto Rican. The kids are a tough lot, coming from the tenements off Columbia Street, which runs south from Atlantic Avenue along Brooklyn’s waterfront into Red …

The Higher Cost Of Learning  

Costs of college education are rising as rapidly as educational expectations. Yet our search for ways to finance higher education in no way matches the growing determination that all who desire a higher education shall have one. As an instance …

The Negro Movement: Beyond Demonstrations?  

For radicals, it is good news. The civil rights movement is undergoing a change; the grit of protest is becoming a political pearl, as predicted by those who see the movement as a potential catalyst for broad social change. CORE …