Long Ago and Far Away  

My book, American Communism and Soviet Russia, was first published a quarter of a century ago. Its republication has made me think back to the circumstances that helped to bring it about. As I have reread it after all these …

Kissinger’s Apologia  

In the first pages of the first volume of his memoirs, Henry Kissinger remarks with some bitterness about the way he was treated by McGeorge Bundy, his dean at Harvard and a predecessor as National Security Adviser to the President. …

Ghosts of Vietnam  

The Vietnam war was beyond doubt the most demanding test of American foreign policy and its makers since the Second World War. The war in Vietnam was not just another crisis in 30 years of successive crises; it was by …

Communists and Miners 1928-1933  

In all of American labor history, there have been five national labor organizations —the Knights of Labor, American Federation of Labor, Industrial Workers of the World, Trade Union Unity League, Congress of Industrial Organizations—or six if we count the merged …