It’s Time to Take Woke Capital Seriously
The left tends to dismiss corporate pandering to identity politics as insincere and inconsequential. It does so at its peril.
The left tends to dismiss corporate pandering to identity politics as insincere and inconsequential. It does so at its peril.
Amid the bleak political landscape of Clinton’s America, a 1996 summit of union organizers and intellectuals proved a surprise success. It also showed the weakness of left ideas without a strong labor movement.
Family capitalism remains the dream of millions of wannabe and petty entrepreneurs. In Succession, it’s a seductive nightmare.
Age of Greed by Jeff Madrick
Wealth and Democracy: A Political History of the American Rich by Kevin Phillips
One Market Under God: Extreme Capitalism, Market Populism, and the End of Economic Democracy by Thomas Frank Doubleday, 2000, 414 pp., $26.00 This is the story of a bizarre and, according to its narrator, victorious cultural counterrevolution. Thomas Frank calls …
Stanley Aronowitz, Herman Benson, and Gordon Haskell adopt an essentially similar approach in disapproving of my article on union democracy. It’s an old, if not particularly venerable one, which runs as follows: “If you don’t like the message, shoot the …
Stanley Aronowitz Herman Benson, and Gordon Haskell adopt an essentially similar approach in disapproving of my article on union democracy. It’s an old, if not particularly venerable one, which runs as follows: “If you don’t like the message, shoot the …
Ron Carey’s recent downfall as head of the Teamsters Union carried with it genuine overtones of tragedy. His ascension to the presidency some years ago seemed just reward for his own incorruptible dedication to the rank and file and for …