A First Word on the Chilean Tragedy  

The worst intoxication is ideology. We must approach reality humbly. —Octavio Paz The brutal destruction of the Allende government by the military junta is a heavy blow to democrats and socialists everywhere who hope for peaceful change in their societies. …

Coalition of Black Trade Unionists  

Known for the time being as the “Coalition of Black Trade Unionists,” a new organization has been launched of black trade union leaders and members. It may turn out to be of major significance both in the American labor movement …

Chile: A Way to Socialism?  

Santiago, Chile, July 1971 The Chilean Revolution is irreversible and irrepressible. Whatever happens now the “two Chiles” of the past (the Chile of the rich, and that of the poor) are gone forever. Will the experience through which the country is …

Politics Across the Country: New York  

A mid-summer look at the prospects for “new” or “radical” politics in the New York-New Jersey region produces mixed reactions. At one end of the political spectrum is a not very attractive candidate for governor of New York, Arthur Goldberg, …

Getting Democracy into General Motors  

Back in the thirties a small group of Marxists tried, unsuccessfully, to raise the slogan, “Open the Books!” as a way of compelling American giant corporations to disclose the true state of their financial dealings and holdings. It was done …

Thomas Jefferson and Black Rebellion  

Largely thanks to the writings of C. L. R. James, Ralph Korngold, and others, the great Haitian Negro revolutionary leader Toussaint L’Ouverture has in recent years become familiar to American students. In conventional American history texts, it is now even …

Confrontation in Pittsburgh  

The construction industry, as anyone knows who has tried to build himself even the tiniest summer place, is one of the most backward in the country. Obsolete building codes, “political peddling,” restrictive practices of builders and contractors, the practices of …