
My German dictionary says that Schadenfreude is a feeling of malicious delight in the discomfort of others. The element of Schadenfreude was especially strong in the recent sad election, especially among some of our liberal friends. And almost all of …

Briefer Notice  

This pamphlet by the distinguished English economist reached DISSENT with a letter from the Monthly Review requesting our appraisal. Our editor referred it to this reviewer as the only member of the DISSENT editorial board who was once in China …

The Triple Revolution  

In late March there was released in Washington a statement called “The Triple Revolution,” prepared by W. H. Ferry, associated with the Fund for the Republic, Gerald Piel, the science writer, and Robert Theobald, the economist. This policy statement was …

A Visit to Jackson, Mississippi  

This summer, with my family on a camping trip, I passed briefly through Jackson, Mississippi. I don’t want to write my impressions of that unhappy town, but to limit myself to telling of our meeting with Charles Butts, the young …