A Rejoinder  

I regret that Mr. Halpern preferred to avoid a direct discussion of the crisis in the Kibbutz. Instead, he saw fit to intuit my “motivational system,” socialist attitudes, and professional orientation. On such short acquaintance, this is rather remarkable presumption. …

Notebook: Black Farce, White Lies  

White ignorance of the Negro is always good for a laugh. That, of course, is to be expected. What upper class has ever known members of its lower class? Knowing them would break up the game. It is their functions, …

The Apostate Muslim  

The murder of Malcolm X cannot be reduced to an incident in an underworld conflict over material loot or social spoils. The sophisticated and intelligent ex-con who had been rebaptized Malcolm X by the Black Muslims, was publicly killed for …

Overkill and Understatement  

Within five years, the United States will have hardened into a vast thermonuclear missile base. While an underformed citizenry goes about its usual business, the military establishment has developed, and plans to continue developing, a strategic atomic force, the dimensions …

Indians: Red, White And Blue  

To do justice to the subtleties of life on the Seneca Reservation requires more than ethnographic reportage, or abstract analyses of social structures that we find transfixed in the professional journals. It requires these, yes, but also an authentic literary …

Modern Africa: The Pains Of Birth  

Colonialism in its classic form is dead, but the spirit lingers on in the policies and presuppositions of the ex-colonial powers, and infects, also, the American consciousness. Lupine journalists, catching the scent of our malaise, and pets of the liberal-conservative …

Eruption in the Middle East  

The combined, and probably premeditated, Anglo-French Israeli punitive expedition against Egypt has again illuminated the narrow track we walk between survival and extinction. If, for many of us, this information has become fearfully redundant, for others it may have the …