Multiculturalism and Democracy  

A debate rages in Europe today on the role of multicultural policies in stimulating religiously motivated extremism, Islamism in particular. In this discussion, multiculturalism is generally understood as government support for the cultural and religious institutions of minority communities. The …

A Question of Zion: A Rejoinder to Jacqueline Rose  

It is not surprising that Jacqueline Rose is unhappy with my review of her book (‘The Caricature of Zion,’ Democratiya, September 2006). Given the criticisms that I bring against the book, this is to be expected. Unfortunately, her response does …

The Question of Zion  

In The Question of Zion, Jacqueline Rose seeks to characterise Zionism as a collective mental disorder induced by centuries of Jewish suffering. [1] She proposes to subject it to psychoanalysis in order to reveal the manner in which the trauma …

How Class Disappeared From Western Politics  

Recent political developments in Europe and America present two apparent paradoxes. First, much of what remains of the radical left has aligned itself with extreme Islamic political movements that promote the establishment of religious regimes in Asia and Africa, with …

Israel and the New Anti-Semitism  

Since the collapse of the Oslo peace process and the outbreak of the second intifada in September 2000, the Israeli-Palestinian conflict has generated an increasingly hostile view of Israel throughout Western Europe. Much of this reaction consists of sharp criticism …