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Whose Homes?  

Nancy Daniel’s mortgage was repackaged and sold so many times that it was unclear who actually owned the house, until she started getting letters threatening foreclosure. Occupy Our Homes Atlanta helped her fight back.

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The Women of the Easter Rising  

“No one likes a woman who yells loudly about revolution,” wrote Rebecca Traister in February. She was writing about the presidential election, of course, but the words stuck with me for months, especially when I was in Ireland this March …

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A Tour of the American Left  

An interview with Daniel Oppenheimer about his new book Exit Right, a survey of the twentieth-century American left, seen through the eyes of six men who left it behind and turned to the right.

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Brooklyn Tenants Revolt  

The problems of Brooklyn’s gentrifying neighborhoods won’t be solved by a housing-market version of “ethical consumption.” It’s going to take collective action. And a new tenant movement is leading the way.

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Trickle-Down Feminism  

While we debate the travails of some of the world’s most privileged women, most women are up against the wall. And yet for much of mainstream feminist discourse, it’s as if the economy hasn’t shifted, or as if there’s nothing about it worth examining from the standpoint of gender.