Who Gets Polluted?  

During the last decade, a grass-roots, minority-led movement against environmental racism (more recently described as the movement for environmental justice) has been spreading across urban America. Led largely by local women of color, the movement for environmental justice has received …

The Politics of Trauma  

We live in a therapeutic society that trivializes trauma. Every day, ordinary people confess their secrets to Oprah, Phil, and Geraldo. In every bookstore, shelves groan under the weight of self-help books that promise freedom from pain. Women who love …

Stand By Your Woman  

After Frederick Douglass gave a rousing speech at the First Woman’s Rights Convention at Seneca Falls in 1848, the press pilloried him as an “Aunt Nancy Man,” the nineteenth-century version of a “Mama’s boy.” When men joined women in suffrage …

A Letter to Jirina Siklova  

Dear Jirina, In June 1990, we sat in your Prague apartment sipping tea as a soft summer breeze floated through opened windows. I asked you endless questions about the experiences of female dissidents and the problems facing Czechoslovakian women after …