Climate Change on Trial
We can’t just sue our way to climate justice, but litigation is one tool that activists can use to sway public opinion and hold those in power to account.
We can’t just sue our way to climate justice, but litigation is one tool that activists can use to sway public opinion and hold those in power to account.
An optimistic environmentalist may sound like an oxymoron (or perhaps just a moron). Yet a growing number of greens are putting a positive spin on our planetary emergency. Should more of us start thinking like them?
Perhaps climate change had once seemed too large-scale, or too abstract, for the minutely human landscape of fiction. But the threat seems to have become too pressing to ignore, and less abstract, thanks to a nonstop succession of mega-storms and record-shattering temperatures. Several new novels make climate change central to their plot and setting, appropriating time-honored narratives to accord with our new knowledge and fears.
A Strange Stirring: The Feminine Mystique and American Women at the Dawn of the 1960s by Stephanie Coontz Basic Books, 2011, 248 pp. IN THE past few decades, the concept of “work-life balance” has assumed a prominent place in our …
Tuhus-Dubrow on Susan Sontag’s Early Years
Travels with Herodotus by Ryszard Kapuscinski.
Over the last century, the link between sex and reproduction has weakened. Feminist activism, aided by technological advances, has given middle-class women in the United States widespread access to effective contraception and safe, legal abortion. Although far too many exceptions …