Overorganized And Overroutinized  

People or Personnel: Decentralizing and the Mixed System by Paul Goodman Random House, 1965, 247 pp., $4.95 In a Few Hands: Monopoly in America by Estes Kefauver (with the assistance of Irene Till) Pantheon, 1965, 239 pp., $4.95 American liberalism …

Social Scientists and Nuclear Deterrence  

One of the striking intellectual phenomena of the past decade is the academic literature on military strategy: a literature produced not by military planners but by social scientists writing from within the academy or from such havens as the RAND …

Academic Gamesmanship and the Realities of War  

Among all the spurious “sciences” that have grown up around the notion that to abstract one’s propositions from reality is to be truly “scientific,” most pernicious has been the new “science” of strategy. Armed by their supposed knowledge of game …

The Politics Of Oil  

For over a decade American social scientists have been developing a theory of political pluralism which claims that real political power is parcelled out, more or less equally, among the various groups and classes of American society. At the same …