Paul Goodman Replies  

I don’t want to answer Mike Walzer in any detail, since much of what he says by way of criticism I also strongly affirm in my book—he is not a close reader. Perhaps I write too much in the old …

Notes on Decentralization  

I. What Is Meant by Decentralization and What Is Not Meant Decentralizing is increasing the number of centers of decision-making and the number of initiators of policy; increasing the awareness by individuals of the whole function in which they are involved; …

Sub-Language as Social Badge  

Innumerable sentences that are said are mainly social cement, keeping people together by engaging in the sociable action of speaking and listening, playing with the common code like any other game, and telling enough information to avoid the pain of a …

Memoirs from Prison  

The extraordinary appalling beginning of this extraordinary book—I can’t conceive of any other way to make credible the attentat on Frick by the compassionate, sensitive, and intellectual young man, and the author succeeds in making it totally credible. No novelist …

Kropotkin at this Moment  

The new interest in Kropotkin is part of the worldwide revival of Anarchist action and thought, in both “private enterprise” and socialist countries. So Bakunin, Kropotkin, and the other Anarchists were right after all: the real enemies have proved to …

Missing the Point on LBJ  

There is a positivist school of political science that devotes itself to the analysis of power. It is value-free about things like justice or commonwealth; and it pays as little mind as possible to causes like class interests or historical …

The Morality of Scientific Technology  

It is becoming common among philosophers to treat the progress of science and the proliferating system of technology as the now determining cause of history, autonomous and underlying like the Marxist “relations of production,” but narrower than that, less dependent …

Berkeley in February  

The dominant system of society is critically dependent on the schools, especially the universities. Schools provide the brainpower for the scientific technology. They are wistfully expected, beginning with age 3, to bring everybody into the mainstream of economic usefulness; and …

Letters From Mississippi  

“From Mississippi the rest of the United States seems unreal,” Bob Moses, director of the Mississippi Summer Project, remarked to a group of volunteers at our orientation session at Oxford, Ohio. At that time my own mental picture of the …

Notes on Decentralization  

What Is Meant by Decentralization and What Is Not Meant Decentralizing is increasing the number of centers of decision-making and the number of initiators of policy; increasing the awareness by individuals of the whole function in which they are involved; …

Format And Anxiety  

I don’t much look at the movies, television, or the other popular arts covered by Show magazine. About once a year my wife and I go to a movie to see what that is like. Occasionally, if I am immured …

Youth Work Camps  

The idea of work camps for unemployed teen-agers has always been attractive, it has somehow seemed “right.” So it recurs whenever, as now, the competitive labor market begins to fail these youth. The camps are first set up as a …