Vietnam and the Left: A Symposium  

I think all opponents of our war in Vietnam, and certainly the Left, should take what seems to me the most promising and reasonable line: Put every conceivable and possible effective pressure on the President to get him to implement …

A Few Words of Greeting  

It has been a great achievement to have kept DISSENT going in this country these ten confused and difficult years. I can say this and applaud the value of our magazine in all humility, since my own part in it …

A Case Poorly Made  

The author of this book has a case to make. He argues that the “Palmer raids” and the Red scare of 1919-20 were not an aberration due to World War I and the Russian revolution. Rather, these events stimulated the …

Towards Total Disarmament  

According to UN statistics, the nations of the world are spending about $90 billion annually in preparation for the kind of thermonuclear war which would destroy civilization and perhaps mankind— this in a world where 70 per cent of its …

Notes On Socialism In The Middle East  

In no sense do these notes pretend to the blessed adjective “definitive.” They are based on impressions derived from observations, conversations, interviews, meetings, and a little reading during a six weeks’ trip in Egypt, Iraq, Lebanon, Syria, Jordan and Israel. …

Class and State in a Total Society  

Readers of DISSENT are, or should be, already familiar with the thesis of this important book. It is that the Communist revolution has resulted in the total control of the state (which is bigger than society) by the party bureaucracy …