Since 2004, accounts of how the Bush administration maneuvered the country into a war of choice in Iraq with the false claim that Saddam Hussein possessed weapons of mass destruction have quickly made it on to the best-seller list. It …
Mills on Updike’s Last Poems
Nicolaus Mills on the N.Y. Post Cartoon
Nicolaus Mills: The Pragmatic Inaugural
The Times: It is a Changing
The publication in the October 6, 2008, New Yorker of a selection of the more than fifty thousand Norman Mailer letters that have been archived reminds us of what a vacuum he left when he died in November 2007 at …
N. Mills: John Cheever’s Christmas Tale
The First 100 Days: Nicolaus Mills
N. Mills: Van Gogh at the MoMA
Day After: Nicolaus Mills – A Sigh of Relief
Fifty-nine years after its Broadway debut, Richard Rodgers and Oscar Hammerstein’s South Pacific is once again drawing applause. At this year’s Tony Award ceremony, it topped all musicals, winning seven awards. But the most serious praise for New York City’s …
N. Mills: Ground Zero 7 Years Later
Palin and the Party of ‘Change’
Nick Mills on HBO’s The Black List
9/11 and J.M.W. Turner’s Paintings