Albert Camus  

A man is dead: you think of his living face, of his gestures, his actions, and of moments you shared, trying to recapture an image that is dissolved forever. A writer is dead: you reflect upon his work, upon each …

History, Freedom, and Utopia  

My dear Andre, If I have not written to you until today it is not out of laziness or forgetfulness, but because, after our frequent and somewhat inconclusive conversations, I felt I owed it to myself (and to you) to …

On Albert Camus  

A man is dead: you think of his living face, of his gestures, his actions, and of moments you shared, trying to recapture an image that is dissolved forever. A writer is dead: you reflect upon his work, upon each …

Historical Necessity & Conscience  

One of the great novels of 20th-century Europe, Roger Martin du Gard’s The Thibaults, has recently been reprinted in English translation by Bantam Books, with an introduction by Albert Camus. Little known in the U.S., The Thibaults consists of a …

The Unreason of State  

When, after hearing about a case of government corruption, police torture, or arbitrary arrest we in Europe call on the state to respect moral values, we forget that the most important privilege modern bureaucratic government guarantees (if not imposes on) …

Albert Camus  

A man is dead: you think of his living face, of his gestures, his actions, and of moments you shared, trying to recapture an image that is dissolved forever. A writer is dead: you reflect upon his work, upon each …