Out of the Ruins 
To get as many people as possible behind the project of decarbonization, we need to convince them that it can improve their lives.
Rather than a science or a lifestyle, socialism is an approach to the world’s injustices that can compel us to act with one another—even in darker times.
“A quarterly just can’t keep up,” Irving Howe wrote on November 15, 1989, “but we try.”
Occupy Wall Street made the student debt crisis into a political issue. Today, debt relief and the idea of free college are more popular than they’ve ever been in the United States.
It’s in moments when even the best-case scenario on the table doesn’t get us far enough that socialist ideas are most important.
An interview with Sarah Jaffe on labors of love, the women who shut down Woolworth’s, Colin Kaepernick, and why class is not a static identity.
A series of short essays on the coronavirus pandemic.
Valeria Luiselli discusses her new book Tell Me How It Ends: An Essay in 40 Questions, about her experience translating in a federal immigration court.
Ken Loach’s I, Daniel Blake shows the cruelties of the UK’s benefits system, but fails to challenge the idea that benefits should only go to the “deserving” poor.
Rachel Kushner’s The Flamethrowers, in many ways, is about men talking and making art, and about the ways that women experience men’s art, or become the object of it.
Today marks the rallying of the international labor movement. We asked our favorite labor journalists and scholars to pick highlights from the last year of general strikes, minority strikes, walkouts, and international solidarity. Here’s what they chose.
Natasha Lewis: Todd Akin, Julian Assange, and Legitimate Rape
U.S. universities thought their students understood the deal. They would raise tuition fees, and customers (students) would gamely take out ever-increasing loans to pay for them. Protest about the price of education was reserved for those countries still clinging to …
Natasha Lewis: An Aimless 99% Spring