Caliban’s Abode  

Celebrated as the cradle of civilization, the source of civility, change, and progress, the city has also been damned as the locus of evil, and for many Sodom and Gomorrah are still the archetypal urban communities. These themes run together …

The Finished World of George Meany  

The day following the 1972 election, George Meany said that the voters “have shown that they want peace in Vietnam, but not surrender and not dishonor.” Institutions are predictable and sometimes very much like natural phenomena; Meany on the elections …

Father Strikes Back  

The root metaphor controlling Lewis Feuer’s vision of the student world is the primal band of brothers falling on the father with bared teeth and drawn knives. “Generational conflict” is the war between students, driven by primitive emotions, and a generation …

The Union and The Professors  

In December 1968, shortly after the last strike of New York’s United Federation of Teachers ended, its sister union, the United Federation of College Teachers, entered a collective bargaining election at the City University of New York. The UFCT’s opponent was …

Sociology as Imagination  

For a discipline that is a regular target for bad jokes about its jargon, the superficiality of its concepts, and the pseudo-scientific quality of its research techniques, sociology has an astonishingly prominent position in the culture. “Anomie,” “power structure,” “Protestant …

The CIA and the Universities  

The limiting case of the President’s generalization is the CIA’s enrollment in—or, perhaps, enrollment of—Michigan State University’s Vietnam project. In this extreme instance the university was used as a tool, though as a rule the academic community is handled more …

Populism as Bogey-Man  

THE TORMENT OF SECRECY, by Edward A. Shils. Free Press, Glencoe, Ill. $3.50. Edward A. Shils, a prominent sociologist who teaches at the University of Chicago, has written a skillful and provocative book which investigates “the background and consequences of …