Community College: The Great Equalizer?
Even if community colleges were fully funded, students could still face a curriculum and styles of instruction that reinforce their unequal position in the social order.
Even if community colleges were fully funded, students could still face a curriculum and styles of instruction that reinforce their unequal position in the social order.
When my uncle Joe Meraglio was discharged from the Navy after the Second World War, he, like other young men in his Rust Belt town, went back to work for the Pennsylvania Railroad. But the railroad industry was beginning its …
The poor are pretty much absent from public and political discourse, except as an abstraction—an income category low on the Index of Socioeconomic Status—or as a generalization: people dependent on the government, the “takers,” a problem. Neither abstraction nor generalization …
There is a lot of attention being given these days to remediation in higher education. “Failure to Launch,” reads one representative headline, “Community College Students Can’t Meet Higher Goals.” The numbers vary but, on average, suggest that about 35 percent …
The good classroom is rich in small moments of intelligence and care. There is the big stuff of course—the week-long science experiment, the dramalogue, the reporting of one’s research—but important as well are the spontaneous question, the inviting gesture, the …