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How the Slants Reclaimed Their Name  

Simon Tam, frontman of the Asian-American dance-rock band, says the recent Supreme Court ruling allowing the group to keep their name affirms that “ultimately communities should be able to determine what’s best for themselves.”

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Berta Cáceres, Presente!  

As tens of thousands flooded Washington, D.C. for the People’s Climate March, they carried the voices of those most at risk for defending the environment: indigenous activists like Berta Cáceres, who was murdered in Honduras last year and whose true killers remain at large.

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Inaugurating a New Movement  

At Saturday’s marches, countless first-time protesters joined veteran activists championing often ignored struggles, with a camaraderie to match the grim nihilism of the day before.

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Texas’s New Ground Game  

While conservatives tighten their grip on Washington, a network of grassroots organizers in three Texas cities is showing how local progressives can beat the odds. Could their efforts become a national model for opposing Trumpism?

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Vote for $15  

Now approaching its fourth anniversary, the Fight for $15 has transformed a magnetic labor rallying cry into a popular grassroots movement, making the once unimaginable the new normal and helping to put inequality at the center of national debate.

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The Care Gap  

While childcare costs have soared, wages in the industry have stayed flat—leaving nearly half of childcare workers dependent on public benefits to survive. Why is the labor of educating children worth so little?