9/11 Symposium: Response to Jim Rule
9/11 Symposium: Michael Walzer Responds to Jim Rule
9/11 Symposium: Michael Walzer Responds to Jim Rule
Michael Walzer: Social Justice Postponed
M. Walzer: Tent Cities & Demonstrations
Michael Walzer: Flags
Michael Walzer: Hebron
At this moment (May Day!), the outcome of the uprisings across the Arab world is radically uncertain. The massive demonstrations and the early successes in Tunisia and Egypt were exhilarating, and the courage of the Syrian demonstrators is inspiring—even though …
Years ago, in 1983, I published a book called Spheres of Justice, which was an attempt to give an account of distributive justice in domestic society. I said virtually nothing in that book about distributive justice in international society. Since …
Michael Walzer: Protest in the Golan Heights
Michael Walzer: What Does Netanyahu Think He Is Doing?
We asked four writers to answer these two questions: What is your own relationship to the state of Israel? And how do you think that American Jews, as a whole, should relate to Israel? These weren’t, so to speak, the …
Michael Walzer: Intervention and the Work That Follows
M. Walzer: The Wrong Intervention
Michael Walzer on Intervention in Libya: A Reply to Norm Geras
Michael Walzer: From Subject to Citizen
M. Walzer: Against Wish- ful Thinking