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Trump and the F-Word  

It is tempting to call our new president a fascist, but a fixation on Trump’s authoritarian personality obscures the real menace: the Republican agenda.

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Signs of Our Time  

The outpouring of witty protest signs at recent anti-Trump protests is something new in the repertoire of social movements. But the thrilling horizontalism that the signs reflect has its limits.

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A Debate Without Class  

The debate may have helped Hillary Clinton’s chances in November. But if she truly wants to set the United States on a path toward greater economic equality, Clinton will have to put class politics front and center.

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The Two Sides of Hate  

Omar Mateen’s horrific mass murder last week in Orlando and Donald Trump’s vicious campaign for president both signal an alarming return of sadism in American life.

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Occupy the Party  

If Sanders does not triumph in 2016, how can those who thrilled at the prospect of a socialist president keep their movement going? One way would be to turn the Sanders platform into the agenda for a new, anti-corporate organization—a Tea Party of the left.

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Sanders and the S Word  

Why does the white-haired firebrand from Vermont insist on identifying himself with socialism, a political faith that has never been popular in the United States?

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Trumping History  

The Trump phenomenon is best understood as an amalgam of three different, largely pathological strains in American history and culture.