Watergate: On Politics & Money  

I n reacting to the criminal assaults on the democratic process and the Democratic party, it is essential that we contemplate—and act on—the polite, everyday and perfectly legal subversion of democracy which takes place when corporate economic power influences government …

The Politics of Tightrope  

The 1960s were a schizophrenic decade. During the first five years there were difficult struggles, but there was also a mood of hope, of possibility. The bloody exception was, of course, the assassination of John F. Kennedy. But even that …

Anatomy of Nixonism  

The old Nixon and the new Nixon are one and the same man: the president of the United States. That is at least one secret of Nixonism. For, alas, it is now necessary to name an ism after a man …

Old Working Class, New Working Class  

I In recent years the American working class has been called conservative, militant, reactionary, progressive, authoritarian, social democratic and, the unkindest cut of all, nonexistent. Except for the last, all the labels fit. The labor movement—I sharpen the focus on …

The Misfortune of “Great Memories”  

Historical Remarks on the Paris Commune The misfortune of the French, even of the workers, is that they have great memories. It is necessary that events once and for all put an end to this reactionary cult of the past. …

Thoughts on the Auto-Workers’ Strike  

When the negotiations between the auto industry and the United Auto Workers began, the company spokesmen presented themselves as industrial statesmen. It was in the interests of the American economy, they said, to have a noninflationary settlement and they, as …

Why We Need Socialism in America  

America needs socialism. Our technology has produced unprecedented wealth, rotted great cities, threatened the very air and water, and embittered races, generations, and social classes. Our vision of society, even when most liberal, is too conservative to resolve these contradictions, …

Getting Out of Vietnam  

President Nixon’s speech on November 3rd almost certainly rallied a majority of the people behind his policy. But that vote of confidence is strictly limited as to time, as on a similar occasion Lyndon Johnson discovered; and if, as seems …

The Road to 1972  

When four years of Republican rule end in January 1973, the United States of America is likely to be even more tom by internal crisis than it was in the last, shambling days of Lyndon Johnson’s Administration. I write this prediction …