Nuclear Power and Corporate Priorities  

A challenge to nuclear power requires an assault upon the basic corporate priorities that undergird the entire economy. However, one suspects that many participants in the growing antinuclear movement, including some who consider themselves to be the most militant, have …

Full Employment & Social Investment  

The democratization of the investment process is the key to a socialist strategy for full employment during the short and medium term. In saying this, I do not suggest that we socialists have “the” answer. There is no such thing. …

Problems & Paradoxes of the Third World  

I Let me begin this outline of the institutions of international inequity with a few definitions. That is not a matter of formalities, but it touches upon a fundamental, underlying concept: that underdevelopment is not a “thing.” What is critical …

Advance, or Retreat, in the 1970s?  

During the next four years the long-run contradictions of American society, above all its hostility to full employment, are going to be its short-run problems. The achievement of even significant reform will require a challenge to the basic corporate domination …

On the 1976 Election  

First, let me free myself of certain political constraints in this brief speculation about the Jimmy Carter phenomenon. That done, I think the analysis can be made much more candidly. I intend to vote for Carter and to work as …

How to Reshape America’s Economy  

The following summary of socialist ideas for reshaping the American economy is taken from testimony that Michael Harrington, chairman of the Democratic Socialist Organizing Committee, gave before the Joint Economic Committee of the U.S. Congress last November. Harrington began with …

Economic Planning: Promises and Pitfalls  

There will be a marked increase in national economic planning and public ownership in the United States during the next five or so years. Such a prediction, one might suppose, should immediately call forth leftist hurrahs. But if we analyze …

Our Proposals for the Crisis  

The current crisis of the capitalist system seems so deep that even investment bankers, like Felix Rohatyn of Lazard Freres, are advocating “state planning of the economy.” There is, therefore, no question as to whether there will be structural change …

A New Crisis of Capitalism  

The current inflation-recession is a crisis of the capitalist system. At first glance, this proposition may seem absurd. It is all but universally agreed, Left, Right, and Center, that two of the most important causes of our present dismal plight …

A Collective Sadness  

Sometimes, Emile Durkheim once remarked, a society develops a collective sadness. That is obviously the case with America today. The Harris poll, showing a pervasive uneasiness in this country, only confirms what all of us instinctively know. An optimistic and …

The Oil Crisis—Socialist Answers  

The energy crisis illuminates the nature of late-capitalist society. Let us hope that it will also make possible a political challenge to it. I will not argue the details of this statement. Dankwart Rustow’s article in this issue provides ample …

Old Working Class, New Working Class  

In recent years the American working class has been called conservative, militant, reactionary, progressive, authoritarian, social democratic and, the unkindest cut of all, nonexistent. Except for the last, all the labels fit. The labor movement—I sharpen the focus on the …