Jeff Bezos Has Enough!
Could a maximum wage gain traction in the United States?
Could a maximum wage gain traction in the United States?
Fifty years ago, a protest against the Miss America pageant kicked off a new phase of the women’s liberation movement. We present a narrative history of that landmark protest, as told by the participants themselves.
The millennial embrace of socialism has allowed a new generation to draw inspiration from a long legacy of struggle.
If there are some things in life that should not be bet on, the question of who will next win the Nobel Peace Prize somehow feels like it should be among them. Internet bookmakers, however, will place odds on almost …
I was a relative latecomer to Facebook—and a skeptic, too. Well into the Obama era, I was parroting the standard criticisms that people who haven’t actually spent time on the platform like to recycle: chiefly, “Why would I want to …
In November 2000, as Argentina’s economic crisis escalated, the country’s bishops, led by Buenos Aires Archbishop Jorge Bergoglio, emerged from a plenary conference with a statement that was hardly welcome news to proponents of economic neoliberalism. Arguing that the true …
Will the next pope embrace liberation theology? The conventional answer would be: fat chance. However, without going too far out on a limb, one could also answer in the affirmative. In their own ways, both responses will likely be correct. …
Of the commercials that debuted at this year’s Super Bowl, one of the most talked about has been “Farmer,” a Dodge truck ad that pays tribute to the salt-of-the-earth middle Americans who work the land. (Check it out here if …
It’s not yet a done deal, but the Boy Scouts of America (BSA) are on the cusp of a dramatic reversal. The organization announced on Tuesday that, when its leadership meets in Dallas next week for a national board meeting, …
Click here to read the rest of our election symposium. There was a lot less dancing in the streets this Election Day than in 2008, when the nation celebrated the election of the first African-American president. But progressives can nonetheless …
Mark Engler: Return Your Eagle Scout Badge
Mark Engler: Student Debt Crisis – It’s Time for a Jubilee
Mark Engler: The Politics of Your Summer Vacation
Mark Engler: Why Couldn’t the Left Prevail in Mexico?
Mark Engler: President Obama, Corporate Globalizer