Disastrous Job Losses in Michigan  

It was expected that General Motors would announce plant closings. But when the announcement came last November, the scale was astounding: 29,000 workers in 11 plants laid off. Almost two-thirds of the affected unionized workers (17,450) live in Michigan. As …

How to Kill an Industry  

A new genre of economic analysis chronicles the slow decay of key American industries. “There was a time,” this sort of tale begins, “when the United States was an example for the rest of the world. The (fill in the …

Disastrous Job Losses in Michigan  

It was expected that General Motors would announce plant closings. But when the announcement came last November, the scale was astounding: 29,000 workers in 11 plants laid off. Almost two thirds of the affected unionized workers (17,450) live in Michigan. …

“Privatization”: Thatcherite Panacea  

Selling state-owned industries has become a policy throughout the world. In Britain, “privatization” is nothing less than a bid for a new Conservative hegemony. By looking at three prime goals of the policy—depoliticization of industrial policy, weakening the base of …