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Improbable Outcomes  

Some Trick: Thirteen Stories by Helen DeWitt New Directions, 2018, 224 pp.   Some Trick is Helen DeWitt’s third book. That is to say, her third published book. She has written dozens of others that haven’t made it from her …

Family Portrait  

Mom Relaxing My Hair, 2005, by LaToya Ruby Frazier. © LaToya Ruby Frazier. At first, you might feel you are intruding. This is a private moment. A mother helping her daughter prepare for the outside world. On the table, tools …

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Less Work, More Time  

Feminists shouldn’t just call for a better balance between waged work and housework—between work and work. We should do the unimaginable: ask for more time.

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The Art of Gentrification  

When the artist Donald Judd bought his loft at 101 Spring Street in the late 1960s, SoHo was beginning to transform from a “blighted” industrial area to a luxury neighborhood. Today, Judd’s loft is a time capsule of SoHo’s transformation, which has become a model for gentrification around the country.

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Kicking Back, not Leaning In  

Work, and in particular white, professional woman’s work, is at the center of contemporary feminist discourse. Nancy Fraser’s new book points in a different direction, calling for the re-incorporation of political economy into feminist discourse and for policy changes that would give women more control of their time

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The End of Interns  

Advertising unpaid internships may soon be illegal in Britain. Last Wednesday, Parliament voted to bring forward a bill, backed by Labour MP Hazel Blears, that would ban job postings that break the country’s minimum wage laws. The bill will not …