Camus and the Algerian War  

Michael Walzer’s penetrating article on Camus in the Fall 1984 Dissent (“Commitment & Social Criticism: Camus’s Algerian War”), is a very convincing defense of that much-maligned writer’s position during the French-Algerian war, when he refused to ally himself, unlike the …

French Intellectuals Between Wars  

Herbert Lottman’s recent book on writers, artists, and politics, from the Popular Front to the Cold War, is a lively and valuable contribution to the social-cultural history of the recent past.* No one who grew up during this period, like …

Nicola Chiaromonte: The Ethic of Politics  

To write about Nicola Chiaromonte is, for me, to say farewell to an old friend; and I cannot resist the temptation to try and make him come alive again, even if only for a moment, for those who may read …