Workers of the Diaspora  

Jewish Workers in the Modern Diaspora Nancy L. Green, ed. University of California Press, 1998, 256 pp., $14.95 Ready-to-Wear and Ready-to-Work: A Century of Industry and Immigrants in Paris and New York by Nancy L. Green Duke University Press, 1997 …

“The Peace”: Miracle or Mirage?  

Disbelief, incredulity, amazement—it is with such emotions that Israelis have responded to the fast flow of political developments since the announcement in September of the Oslo agreement between Israel and the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO). On the so-called left, where …

A Calmer Mood in Israel  

At this moment, the “Government of National Unity” has been in office here in Jerusalem for almost a year and a half. It almost came apart in April, and whether it will still be in existence by the time this …

Bar Kochba and All That  

A heated public debate in Israel, lasting from May 1980 until the outbreak of the Lebanese War in June 1982, followed Yehoshafat Harkabi’s attack on Shimon Bar Kochba, the second-century leader of the anti-Roman revolt in Judea, 132-35 C.E. (of …

Israel: The War and After  

The electoral victory of Menachem Begin in June 1981 (however marginal in voting terms) apparently opened a new era in the history of the state of Israel. In the first Likud government, which came to office in 1977, Begin was …