Response to Marshall Berman  

Marshall Berman sees in the incoherence of a punk culture the same potential that Marx once thought he saw in the rising consciousness of a proletarian movement: the coming “negation” of the capitalist order. But neither the street youths of …

Grace and Grief  

Writers on the left have generally looked upon religion from two opposing perspectives. Beginning in the nineteenth century socialists influenced by Marx’s writings tended to regard religion as a species of “false consciousness” that must be extirpated before the working …

Liberalism and Its Critics  

When Thomas Jefferson declared that each generation must water the tree of liberty with the “blood” of rebellion, and then later defined the life-span of the “will” of a generation as lasting 19 years, James Madison reminded him that members …

Buckley’s Comrades  

I When the National Review celebrates its 20th anniversary this November, conservatives may salute its editor with the toast: “You’ve come a long way, Buckley.” Among the associate editors, consultants, and contributors another toast might be made, this time raised, …