Immigrant Dreams  

Some conservatives complain that if immigrants want to live in this country, they should learn the language. Tell that to Aracely C., who has worked in the sweatshops of Los Angeles’s garment industry for the thirteen years she has been …

The Last Page  

A quiet revolution took hold in New York City during the humid summer months. WNYC FM and AM, the public radio stations owned by the city since 1922, were put on the selling block by a Republican mayor set on …

Labor’s Troubles  

When they passed legislation mandating their own compliance with federal labor laws in the first hundred days of the congressional term, Republican leaders already knew that in the next hundred they would begin the systematic dismantling of federal labor law. …

Remembering Irving Howe  

I cherished Irving as a generous friend and mentor. We shared a passion for literature, democratic socialism, and Jewish identity, making him irreplaceable in my life. (The one thing he didn’t share, or even comprehend, was my interest in tennis.) …

What Labor Wants—And Needs  

As interest groups lobbied the Clinton transition team for cabinet appointments and Clinton groped for “diversity” in his cabinet, one group was noticeably silent—organized labor. Appointing Robert Reich as labor secretary was a good start, clearly linking labor’s fate to …

How the Media “Covers” Labor  

It is easy to forget that there are still places like Hamlet, North Carolina . . . until something tragic happens to put them on our mind.” So the Washington Post informed its readers several days after a September 1991 …

An Ode to the Labor Movement  

What else does a man do besides keep house .. .and hang around the saloon, after he has been out of work for fourteen months?” Harvey Swados asked in these pages in 1961, in his essay “The Miners: Men Without …

A Thousand Points of Blight  

In April the federal Department of Labor (DOL) announced it had undercounted the number of violations of the child labor law found in a three-day sweep conducted the month before. The department revised the number of violations, from 7,000 to …

Tribute to Michael Harrington  

The last time I saw Mike, we had lunch at a coffee shop in Greenwich Village. He had a chocolate milkshake, which had been his staple food since the cancer recurred. We discussed nineteenth- century literature and E. M. Forster, …

Return of the Sweatshop  

Every year since 1911, union members have assembled in front of a building on Washington Place and Greene Street in New York City on March 25. The building is cloaked in black. A fire engine ladder reaches toward the eighth …