Democracy and America’s War on Terror  

Mr. Ivie, a Professor of Communications at Indiana University, here draws together a collection of essays united by several themes: the United States is a ‘distempered democracy,’ plagued by ‘demophobia,’ indeed nothing less than a ‘republic of fear.’ (Here, of …

Language and American Citizens  

In his classic Democracy in America, Alexis de Tocqueville claimed, “Language is perhaps the strongest and most enduring link which unites men. All the immigrants spoke the same language and were children of the same people.” These common points of …

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50 Years After Hiroshima  

In 1989 a young scholar named Jeff Smith published a book entitled Unthinking the Unthinkable: Nuclear Weapons and Western Culture, a book that received too little attention at the time or subsequently, for that matter. Dissatisfied with economic and psychological analyses …

Before I’ll Be a Slave  

No small projects for Orlando Patterson. Freedom is grand in scope, heartfelt, and refreshingly old fashioned. By that I mean Patterson offers a “grand narrative” of the sort now under sustained attack in many quarters, and the very fact that …

Politics and the Battered Woman  

The politics of the battered women’s movement brings together a number of vital concerns: the role of the state in intimate relations, feminist analyses of male violence and power, and the ways political activists and professional “social service providers” variously …