How the Right Brought Down ACORN
Jack Clark: ACORN’s Demise
Jack Clark: ACORN’s Demise
In the still unfolding national debate about the economy, everything opposed by the extreme Right and the Republican Congressional caucus (the two can hardly be separated) is labeled as socialism. Repeal the Bush tax cuts? Obama wants to redistribute wealth. …
The Reykjavik summit may have been a failure— as the demeanor of its participants clearly indicated when it was over; or, it may have been a tremendous success—after the participants reconsidered their Icelandic labors twenty-four hours later, both here and …
“Right now, they have a great big Band-Aid holding them together—Watergate. When it gets ripped off, watch out.”—Anne Armstrong, then White House counselor, speaking about the Democrats, July 16, 1974 The jockeying for the 1976 Democratic presidential nomination has already …